Mike and Melissa
Mike and Melissa was a to-be series created by Mike Chenoweth, under the name of "Dirty Little Mammals Productions". It's first, and only produced, episode, "Mike Goes Crazy", was uploaded to YouTube on December 20, 2012[1], and was based on events that happened in Mike's life. The characters included fictionalized versions of Mike, his friends, and Melissa—a purple skunk(-cat-fox-squirrel hybrid) "púca".
- Mike (voiced by Himself)
- Melissa (voiced by Veronica Long)
- Phil (voiced by Himself, Phil Boos)
- Ted (voiced by Phil Boos)
- Jason (unvoiced)
- Travis (voiced by Himself, Travis Alfonso)
The music in "Mike Goes Crazy", the only episode, was directed by both Mike and Phil; Mike choosing to credit himself as his musical artist name, "Digital Pets", as well as crediting his performance on "Landfill" as "Shotgun River". Lee Renaud and Bryana Boos are also credited with vocals in "A Friend", "Mike Goes Crazy"'s credit's music.