Help:Content Warnings

From The Mike and Melissapedia

This page contains all the content warnings used on the wiki. The warnings will apply to the text below them.

Warnings[edit source]

"Whatever, I gotta do this."
This page contains content with sexual themes.

This warning is to be used when a page mentions and, especially, shows sex, porn, boob, and anything else related to that which isn't extreme. It can be used via {{NSFW}}

" a form you find... attractive."
This page contains adult content with fetishistic themes that may discomfort some readers.

This warning is used for nsfw content that is a bit more out there. This was made specifically for episode 2 and it isn't expected to see much use outside of that. Regardless, it's still here if needed. It can be used via {{fetish}}

"You really want to be moralizator...Like there is nothing better to do."
This page contains shocking, disturbing, and/or edgy content that may disturb some readers.

This warning is used for anything shocking, disturbing, and/or edgy. Mainly for use in the fanon, as some of those contain drug use. It can be used via {{edgy}}

This page contains religious discussion and/or imagery—fictional or scriptures.

This warning is used for pages discussion religion of any kind, including fictional ones. It can be used via {{religion}}

"It looks stupid, Vera!"
This page under construction; it is unfinished and may contain bias.

This is used for when a page is unfinished and/or is lacking quality. It can be used via {{construction}}